Fishing on the Hodder

Our main Hodder fishing is around 7.50 miles from Dunsop village downstream to a mile below Doeford bridge. It consists of 36 named pools. We also have a mile more fishing downstream at Chaigley with 7 more pools.

Natural barriers cerate deep holding pools for salmon and seatrout. Seatrout make their way up to our water late May with the peak time in mid June to the end of July. Salmon come later, September to 31st of October the end of our season.

With so much choice it’s always a good day to go fishing, since some of the pools fish well on low water and some on a flood. But all pools fish well at 9” to 15” on the river height gauge.

A long gliding pool that will hold fish from the top to the tail, it’s a favorite for grayling on fly in November and December. In January and February is a good chance to hook up with a big grayling trotting a worm, but sometimes the fly wins the day.